Novel generator 7thnovels

7thnovels is novel generator that creates short stories automatically.

7thnovels was received Ijyuuinn Hikaru special prize at enterbrain game contest 5th

about 7thnovels Down load

7th lanuage specifications

    Source code of 7thnovels is described mainly using 7th language.
    7th language is a script language that I had desinged for the 7thnovels. Down load

    This program "7threader" is a novel generator, which generates short stories automaticaly from scenario source code written in 7th language.

Example of scenario source code of 7thnovels

    This scenairo source code can create short story automatically using 7threader

CGI Version of 7thnovels CGI source code

    This CGI generate short story online.

EPUB Javascript Version of 7thnovels Javascript source code

    To read this EPUB book use EPUB reader that suport Javascript.

Example of generated short stories

    Wet ruffled tennis panties


    Groper in the movie theater

    Dirty wife whore discipline

    High school girl upskirt

    Female Viagra

    High school girl bid club

    Groper in Tokyo Tower

    Fellatio Mania

    Picked up in Harajuku
